Sunday, February 8, 2015


Well, here I go again...  after coming to the drastic conclusion that I need to combine my 2 blogs (desk & tchotchkes), cuz it was just NOT working for me to have them both, then spending all of 2014 tweaking my combined blog plan, and then my failed attempt to RE-arrange content, themes, posts, etc, I am here, now.  RE-signed to having to RE-start.  RE-do.  RE-launch.

I mean, RE-ally (ok, I'll admit that's taking it too far) - so: I mean, REally, could I have not figured this out with one of the others?

Apparently not because here I am.

My goal is to Keep it Simply Stupid.  The cleaner, the better.  Stick with the "RE" theme (cuz I have such fun with it).  Post more often (I know, I know, I've said it before).  And, most importantly, PUT MYSELF OUT THERE.

This is me, putting myself out there.

Hello, Blogging World.  Here I come.

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